Security and Bugs

Many thanks to all users who help us to improve the security and stability of MoviePosterDB

If you discover a vulnerability or a bug, please send us an email at info[at] and we will be happy to add you to our list of supporters and unlock a bandwidth bonus for your account.

Since we are a non-profit platform for film and poster enthusiasts, there is no monetary bounty/reward program.

Please also tell us what link and under which name we should list your support.

If you have already helped us with the topics mentioned above, but you are not yet on the list, please let us know your details and we will be happy to add you.

Name Topic Link to external project
S. A. M.
Vulnerability: User Enumeration on password reset n.a.
C. W.
SPF Vulnerability
S. A.
iframe Vulnerability (UI redress attack) n.a.